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Being Ready When Your Opportunity Comes

Mental Strength League Weekly – Newsletter 007 – 01/14/20

Hey there, Friend!

I hope your week is has gotten off to a good start. I feel as though things on my end are starting to get into a groove as this offseason has been an eventful one. 

I learned (and relearned) a lot in 2019 and took those lessons into the offseason to begin preparing as best as I can for the new year. 

There’s been a lot of progress and restructuring on the business side of things, as well as a lot of progress and restructuring on the personal development side of things. But overall I feel these changes (and as I see them, improvements) will serve me and my community now and well into the future.

Last week I was fortunate enough to attend CES (the Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas for the second year in a row. (I shared a little about my first experience in last weeks newsletter.)  

Earl Edwards joined me this time around. We had a great time networking and met some great new people, and even reconnected with a few I met last year. 

But I’m still processing my overall takeaways from the experience and plan to sit down to fully flesh out what I think and how I plan to operate as a result of this years experience.

One quick takeaway that stood out most to me was fully understanding that many people attending the conference are more there to “show face” than to “make a deal.” I guess this stands out most to me because in the world of professional soccer your job is to be ready and preform on the day. 

Just showing up isn’t enough, you have to be ready to preform and up to the standard or you’re out and the next person is there to take your place. (Adapt or Die) 

I’ve learned that a lot of the tech and VC space is anchored around “what it will be, or what it will do one day” not “what it actually is today” which I can understand. 

Many are there to raise money or are in need of money to make it real, but that’s what makes it stand out to me so much. Most aren’t showcasing or selling on what’s real, but potential…. 

Like I mentioned, still figuring out my overall course of action from what I learned this time around and will be happy to share in a future newsletter. 
What was a great moment from the trip was that we were able to record the #AskASoccerPro Show in the HyperX Esports Arena!

Big shout out to David Moon for making it happen, and Tanya Crispin for helping coordinate the entire show!

This past week was full of amazing opportunities, but they will mean nothing if we’re not able to first recognize them and execute on a plan to fully capitalize on them. 

I wanted to share with you a little bit about how you can be ready when your opportunity comes! Being Ready When Your Opportunity ComesAre you ready? 

If so, what are you ready for? If not, why not?

I ask this question because opportunity surrounds all of us all the time. Some may argue otherwise, but they’re wrong in doing so. 

I say this because someone before you had less access than you do now (I can say this because you have to have access to the internet to even be reading this right now) and accomplished more.

It’s not that they had opportunity and you didn’t or don’t. 
It’s that they committed to learning from all the times that they were wrong and applied that knowledge to their next rep. 

And then their next rep. 

And then their next rep. 

And then their next rep.

And then their next rep.

And then, eventually, those reps prepared them for opportunity when it came and “got lucky” as most would say.

The difference between success and failure is your ability to extract enough value from the opportunity that you can see and have access to now, and invest it in creating future opportunities for yourself. 

Future reps.

The reps and work you do now is what will determine the work and opportunities you have access to later. 

It’s not that there’s no opportunity now, it’s that you can’t see (or understand) the opportunity yet. 

And if you don’t invest the time now in learning how to recognize opportunity, you’ll never be able to see it, let alone learn how to get any value out of it.

Can you extract the value out of an opportunity yet? Just a quick reminder, I’m currently in my Free Agency! 

If you’d like me to sign with your organization, please feel free to share my soccer resume with the person you think would be in charge of making that decision.

Or if you’re just a soccer player or parent, wanting to know what your soccer resume should included or look like, it’s worth checking it out here: 


To learn more about being ready when your opportunity comes, make sure you check out episode 52 of the #AskASoccerPro Show!

Included in this week’s episode:

  • How to be ready when your opportunity comes.
  • The top three skills for going pro.
  • How to follow up with coaches.

A special interview with Kristen Amarikwa.



Fresh Content PS Clips



MSL Mentality Mentee Wallis Lapsley has just been drafted by the New York Red Bulls! Congrats to Wallis and all the hard work he’s been putting in both on and off the field!

Wallis has been working with Quincy through his mental strength coaching program, BE PRO Mentality. Much more to come for Wallis, be sure to keep an eye on him and welcome him to the #MSLArmy!

All Time MLS Scoring List!

I was just made aware that he made #157 on the MLS all time scoring list!

#AskASoccerPro Show

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday when we go live at 6 pm PST/ 9 pm EST with the #AskASoccerPro Show over on Instagram. I’ll be taking your questions and interviewing a new guest!

Please join in! Coaches Convention

I’ll be attending the United Soccer Coaches Convention in Baltimore from January 15-19 with a few members of the Perfect Soccer team!

I would love to see you there and will be giving away free Perfect Soccer merch to the first 250 people who find me, take a photo and post with #MSL2020 #SignQuincy Please feel free to shoot me an email if you have any thoughts or feedback.

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday! 

Until next week,
Quincy Mental Strength Coach 
MSL – Mental Strength League


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