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What is my motivation?

  • QuincyAmarikwa
  • Posted by QuincyAmarikwa
June 26, 2014

  tribute_inspire_26060_portraits_motivational_inspiration_deep_m73379 Motivation; actors are constantly asking what theirs is, musicians have used it as the title to songs and albums. It is the burning question behind any goal, project, or endeavor. What motivates you? What is my motivation? The quote above reminds me of a very important fact. Often, when you start a new project, whether it is personal or professional, the motivation is flowing over. It’s new, it’s exciting, and you have so many ideas. Eventually, however, that overflowing motivation begins to wane; as time passes, obstacles present themselves, excitement dwindles, competing priorities pop up, generally, the going gets tougher. At this point, it is very easy to let

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