Are you in the game? Or are you getting played?!
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*So I wrote this piece specifically for my newsletter subscribers (Those who join my email list get articles and other things that I don't publish anywhere else). I ended up getting a lot of responses from people about the email saying they have shared it with others. So I figured I would republish it on the site so those of you who are interested can have a read. Now, I sent this email out before the end of 2014, so the New Years references are a little outdated. But the message still serves its point.... Enjoy!*
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When you were a kid, how did you imagine your life as an adult? Did you want to be a doctor, or a teacher, a firefighter, or maybe even superman/wonder woman? As children, we had a vivid imagination and we believed that the world was our oyster.

I recently received an email from one of my readers expressing his concern over being continuously passed over for promotion. He wrote:
As for me, I'm a grown man who has been stuck in middle management for over ten years now between a few different companies. I have met the requirements for promotion but I'm always passed up. I know my job very well and I know the job of my promotion very well. I have trained people who got promoted before me. I now know that hard work, dedication, loyalty, and a host of other tiresome clichés don't matter all that much. I'm so passed the "self-motivated" quotes.”Reader, let me tell you, I can understand your frustrations. Read More

“Shit happens.” A common phrase. It reminds me of the character in Forrest Gump who made loads of money off of this very simple statement, brought on by Forrest stepping in a pile of dog excrement. The key thing to remember about this part of the movie is that Forrest keeps right on running, he doesn’t even stop to wipe off his shoes. He runs all the way across the country.
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Today I want to talk to you about persistence. Merriam-Webster defines persistence as,
1. The quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people. 2.The state of occurring or existing beyond the usual, expected, or normal time.Let’s look at the first part of that definition. Persistence means doing something in spite of the fact that it is difficult or opposed by other people. I know that many people spend a lot of time worried about what others think of their actions; this can make making the decision to follow your own path very difficult. Pressure fr