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Passion Is Your Privilege

Passion is you Privilege I realize that many people in this world do not have the opportunity to do what they love. The pursuit of your passion is truly a privilege, and one that I will most definitely not take for granted anymore. Especially after reading an article written by a member of “The Passion Project”. You can check out the article here:

I wanted to write this piece because of a specific excerpt from the article:

When you are truly living on the edge…there’s no room at all for error. It’s a luxury you can’t afford…For the rest of us, though, there’s a cushion. Being wrong isn’t fatal, it’s merely something we’d prefer to avoid. We have the privilege of being wrong. Not being wrong on purpose, of course, but wrong as a cost on the way to being right.

I really wanted to speak to the point that, for most of us, being wrong or failing isn’t going to kill us. It isn’t a “be all, end all” situation. It isn’t going to be much more than an annoyance or unwanted bump in the road. But why is that, and that alone, enough to deter us from following our passion?

What’s the big deal with the fear of failing?


If the cost of failing isn’t going to literally kill you, what is it you are so afraid of? Because I can’t think of anything other than excuses (and all of them suck by the way) for why you won’t do what it is you actually want to do. Why is it that you would rather blame others or your situation for being unable to do what makes you happy, instead of doing what you need to do to make those things your reality?

If you truly want something, you will stop at nothing to make it happen. If you don’t truly want it, you will make every excuse not to make it happen. In both instances, it is YOUR choice. Always remember that. The point of this piece is to remind you, and myself, to always look inward, because it’s hard to do. Your actions and decisions have led you to where you are today, and no one else. Looking inward forces you take responsibility for the state of things in your life (your happiness, your career, your relationships, your financial situation).

Looking inward allows you to address what you don’t like and want to change, and gives you an opportunity to do so. Looking outward and blaming external forces for your situation, is easy. It allows you to redirect responsibility and separates you from the decisions you’ve made. Although this might be comforting and make you feel better, looking outward will never lead you to an opportunity to better your situation, or achieve what you’d like to in life.


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