When you were a kid, how did you imagine your life as an adult? Did you want to be a doctor, or a teacher, a firefighter, or maybe even superman/wonder woman? As children, we had a vivid imagination and we believed that the world was our oyster.

This week, I received an awesome and very touching message from one of my readers. In it, he said the following:
Read MoreI guess if I had anything to ask I would wonder if you had any comments or advice as to cope with an unfamiliar environment such as being in a house with a bunch of strangers. Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying to be accepted for who you are and what your beliefs are is definitely easier said than done.

Cliché right? Possibly, but does that mean the statement has no merit? If the Wright Brothers hadn’t believed they could make a flying machine, chances are they never would have. If Nelson Mandela didn’t believe he could make a change in the world, he would have never even tried.