I've been focusing a lot of my energy on building my business and because of that, I haven't dedicated as much time to my personal blog. I got an email a bout a week ago (sorry couldn't help myself with that one) from one of my readers and her question promoted me to write quite a lengthy response. Below is what she sent over to me and my thoughts:
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As a youngster, we are pretty sure we know everything about everything. I can’t tell you how many times I have attempted to give one of my younger sisters advice about something, only to be met with resistance because they are certain they know what they are doing, and know more about life than their silly older brother.

*So I wrote this piece specifically for my newsletter subscribers (Those who join my email list get articles and other things that I don't publish anywhere else). I ended up getting a lot of responses from people about the email saying they have shared it with others. So I figured I would republish it on the site so those of you who are interested can have a read. Now, I sent this email out before the end of 2014, so the New Years references are a little outdated. But the message still serves its point.... Enjoy!*
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